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My Pets

Hi! Welcome to my pets page. I love animals and nature so much, that of course I have some pets:)

In the past I had 2 guinea pigs at my mom's, and a million guppies at my dad's! We started with just two of them, but you know how guppies are...

But in 2017 and 2018 I got two very unique pets... Ball Pythons!

Naila & Nagini

Ball pythons come in thousands of different color patterns called "morphs". You wouldn't believe all the different morphs there are out there... There's even an emoji morph where the snake has smiley faces along its back! Ball pythons are also always "het" for another morph which basically means if they have babies, the babies could end up being the "het" morph.

Naila is a Savannah morph - 100% Het for Desert Ghost, and is the older one. She is very friendly and mellow. She doesn't seem to have any sense of smell whatsoever! If we don't put her food  in the same place every time, she will never find it!

Nagini is a Yellow Belly / Cinnamon Pinstripe morph - 100% het for Red Axanthic ball python. She is also very friendly and active, but is always trying to escape! She has succeeded many times already, but we always find her curled up somewhere warm!


Luna is my new dog!!! I got her in December 2019 and she is a Golden Retriever.

Pets Blog

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